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Roaming with Purpose: Remote Work and the Art of Balancing Adventure & Career

By Reagan Cooper– Digital Marketing Manager & Recruiter @eCommerce Placement

Remote work has revolutionized the professional world, offering endless opportunities for growth and freedom. This flexible approach enhances productivity and opens doors to exciting lifestyle choices. In addition, we have seen the rise of #VanLife and Digital Nomadism, where wanderlust becomes a way of life. When I joined eCommerce Placement after college, I yearned for adventure.

Within just five months of starting my “adult” job, I embarked on a thrilling journey across the US with my boyfriend and dog, immersing ourselves in captivating landscapes and unforgettable experiences. Reflecting on the past year, I’m amazed by the incredible adventures, surprisingly fun mis-adventures, and unique opportunities that remote work has made possible.

With remote work’s unparalleled flexibility, you can pave your own path, finding the perfect equilibrium between your passions and professional ambitions. The world is yours to explore, one remote opportunity at a time.


How We Chose Our Camper to Optimize for Full-Time Living & Working 

Before hitting the open road, we carefully considered the ideal camper for our full-time living and remote work setup. With two remote workers and a space-loving dog, vans were quickly ruled out. While vans offer benefits like accessing remote spots and maneuvering narrow roads efficiently, it wasn’t the right fit for us.

Next, we had to decide between an RV or pull behind trailer. Though the convenience of accessing snacks, forgotten items, and water in an RV was enticing, we opted for a pull-behind to avoid potential costly engine issues.

After evaluating various sizes and layouts, we settled on the 2022 Cherokee Grey Wolf 23MK. This rig ticked all our boxes with a spacious dinette for work, a cozy living area that felt like home, ample storage for our downsized belongings, and a residential-sized refrigerator to keep our food fresh.

Now, you might wonder how we managed wifi on the road. The options are plentiful! We went with a Verizon MiFi since our phones were already on the network, but AT&T offers a similar solution that may cover more ground. Though our dream setup would include StarLink for its reliability in remote locations, it comes with a higher price tag. Rest assured, there’s a perfect fit for your needs and budget, ensuring you stay connected wherever your journey takes you.



The Misadventures of Full-Time Traveling 

Embarking on a journey of full-time travel is a mix of excitement and challenges, far from the picture-perfect postcards. Amongst the ups and downs, I’ve learned to roll with the punches and make the most of every situation. From unexpected snowstorms throwing a wrench in our plans to dealing with connectivity woes and technical hiccups – here’s my collection of the less glamorous side of being a digital nomad.

Hunting for Signal 

There’s nothing quite as frustrating as meticulously planning your stay, driving for miles, getting everything set up, and then realizing you’re stuck without any cell service. Despite careful planning, this hiccup is inevitable. When you’ve already paid for your spot, you might end up working from local coffee shops to stay connected – a chance to explore the local scene. If you haven’t prepaid, it’s a scramble to find a better spot. While it’s a minor inconvenience overall, it can still be quite annoying.

Mother Nature: The Unpredictable Choreographer

Our initial route was meant to follow favorable weather patterns – enjoying the Northeast in fall, basking in Southwest warmth in winter, tracing the coast as spring arrives, and relishing the mountains during summer. However, Mother Nature had her own plans, as evidenced by the unexpected winter of 2023.

As we ventured forth, things went according to plan until we left Sequoia National Park en route to Yosemite. A sudden winter storm took us by surprise, turning our journey into a snow-covered saga. Accustomed to the warmer climates of the Southeast, we found ourselves towing a 30-foot trailer through dark, icy landscapes with no chains, snowtires, or cell service. The result? A long detour to the Bay Area, seeking refuge from the snow. The story continued with layers of snow until mid-May.

Dealing with Repairs 

Life on the road exposes campers to wear and tear, leading to occasional breakdowns. For occasional campers, this isn’t a big deal. However, when you’re constantly on the move, things wear down faster. While we managed fine for the most part, a few hiccups entered our story – water pump troubles, electrical issues, flat tires (without a jack!), and more. These problems aren’t overly time-consuming, but they remind us of the challenges that come with this lifestyle.

Fleeting Connections 

One of the tougher aspects is the lack of a stable community. It wasn’t something I had thought about initially, but it does take a toll. This feeling isn’t tied to age, but as a couple in our twenties, it hit us differently. Many fellow nomads are older and have different schedules. On the flip side, we’re not big on the typical nightlife scene for people our age. We made friends through hikes, coffee shops, and dive bars. Yet, even after making connections, the chances of meeting again are slim due to our constant movement. On a positive note, full-time travel allowed me to reconnect with friends across the country – a bright spot in this transient lifestyle.



The Positives of Life on the Road 

Exploring New Avenues: Unleashing Creativity and Career Growth 

In the traditional professional realm, progress often demands daily office attendance. Long commutes and late hours help to advance in your career at the expense of your personal life and adventures. However, the emergence of remote work has rewritten these rules. Embarking on this trip, I was driven to venture into a brand new facet of my professional journey – marketing. The natural environment’s creative embrace can fuel innovative thinking, ushering in fresh perspectives, catalyzing personal growth, and propelling one to newfound heights.

Reuniting with Friends: A Tapestry of Connections 

As previously discussed, the absence of a consistent community on the road can pose a challenge. Yet, the opportunity to reunite with friends scattered across the nation brings a sense of solace to this dynamic. Amidst our travels, cherished college friends joined us in both Rhode Island and Vermont. Our paths intertwined further as we stayed with them in Stamford, CT – offering the chance to explore NYC without wrestling with urban camping logistics. Weddings were attended, bonds rekindled with a roommate from my days in Haiti, birthday celebrations shared with college sorority sisters, and so much more. 

While traversing the world solo can evoke loneliness, reconnecting with familiar faces weaves threads of familiarity and belonging into the tapestry of the nomadic experience.


Chapters Etched in My Life’s Story 

Reflecting on the past year, it’s undeniable that I’ve crafted some of the most cherished memories of my existence. While I could go on about the multitude of exhilarating escapades and breathtaking vistas I’ve encountered, I’ll condense the saga into a few treasured tales that stand out.

A Pumpkin Spice Odyssey

Autumn in the Northeast unfurled as a masterpiece, etching itself into my heart. Bar Harbor, Maine, draped in the splendor of changing leaves, greeted us warmly. We embarked on invigorating hikes through Acadia, basked in unforgettable sunset cruises, and reveled in the bounty of apples and fall produce harvested from local farms. And, of course, the lobster feasts were sublime. Our journey continued through the fall wonderland of Vermont before culminating at Niagara Falls, where the crisp air enhanced the majesty of the cascading waters. This chapter set a cozy tone for our grand adventure.

Winter’s Icy Embrace in the Pacific Northwest 

While the winter might have been formidable, we embraced its frosty charms with open arms. As Tennesseans unaccustomed to such cold, we marveled at the experience. A special nod to The Bay Area and Northern California, which captivated us and became one of our favorite spots. Further north, the snow enveloped us. In Bend, Oregon, we carved the slopes of Mt. Bachelor, savored a stormy night watching movies from the last standing Blockbuster, and enjoyed the welcoming downtown area of the town. Snowshoeing in Washington, followed by the delightful Bavarian ambience of Leavenworth, remains an indelible memory. The Montana mountains’ snow-laden expanse, the frozen tranquility of The Tetons, and the thrill of winter sports in Park City, Utah, all shaped an unforgettable winter narrative.

Summer’s Warm Embrace

Transitioning from freezing Utah to sun-soaked Las Vegas was a dramatic shift. Celebrating my boyfriend’s birthday, his brother’s surprise visit ignited the city’s vibrant energy. Poolside days and casino-lit nights unfolded before we ventured to the remote, majestic, Grand Canyon. No longer constrained to RV camps due to the wonderful weather, we found a camp spot a mere two miles from the rim. Amidst these towering wonders, we hiked into the depths of the canyon and relished our tranquil haven. Among the dreams that ignited this odyssey, one stood tall – skydiving over the Grand Canyon. The plunge, a heart-pounding 16,000 feet, unveiled breathtaking panoramas and an unrivaled thrill. An adventure worth its weight in memories.

And so, these tales, etched in my heart, become stories for my grandkids – a testament to a life lived boldly.



My year of digital nomadism has been an absolute delight, brimming with remarkable experiences despite the drawbacks. If the prospect of this lifestyle intrigues you, I wholeheartedly encourage you to take the plunge. Whatever path you embark upon, the realm of remote work has opened a door to a world teeming with boundless possibilities.